Here is where I will collect the current projects and things I am working on towards a more sustainable, homemade life. I call them "Small & Simple things" because I am making this transition one small and simple thing at a time. I have created a weekly Make-over challenge so that others can follow along. We don't have to do it all. But we can do a few small things.
Small & Simple Cosmetics Make-over Challenge:
Week One: Replace Moisturizers
Week Two: Replace Leave-in Conditioners
Week Three: Replace Bronzers
Week Four: Replace Soap
Week Five: Replace Deodorant
Week Six: Replace Sunscreen
Week Seven: Replace Bug Repellent
Why do I feel it's important to live a more natural, homemade life? I feel that we have moved so far away from our roots that it's actually a disadvantage to humanity. I think smart phones are wonderful, but if they do all your thinking for you, they can handicap you. I think essentials skills like food preservation, sewing, gardening etc. are becoming lost arts.
Basically, I want to be more like my grandparents. They knew all these life skills, and didn't think anything of it. I don't want my kids to grow up without knowing these basic life skills like I did. Hard work followed by the harvest teaches more about life than any sport or extra-curricular activity out there. I know it's not a new idea, but it is a counter-cultural idea. And it's one that I think can change our lives for the better. When you make your food, cleaners and cosmetics you can control what goes into them. Organic products don't have to be expensive. You can grow it, you can make it, you can do it!
As I mentioned in this blog's bio, this blog is dedicated to the mighty things God has done and continues to do for me. What does all of this have to do with God? I believe that God wants me to live a healthy life so that I can better serve Him. I believe He wants me to give my family the best life. I also know He wants me to be a good steward over my body and over the earth. So, I do feel this is a Godly pursuit. I feel close to God when I am close to nature, close to the land, and making the best of my time here on earth.
What I'm not advocating: Total disconnection from modern society and community. God has given us technology and modern conveniences to bless us, not destroy us. But, like all things, they can be misused. It is wonderful that you can go to the market and buy things. We can't make everything. Even if we had the skills, we don't have the time. We need a community. I wrote a whole post about that called, Community Sustainability. I recently joined a garden co-op for that very reason.
Going forward, week by week, I hope to inspire you to do small & simple things to make your life richer, healthier and more abundant. I hope to inspire community efforts to support local farmer's markets and organizing co-ops to share your talents and skills with others. With the small & simple things we can make a mighty change.
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